by enzo | Feb 26, 2018 | Blog
You can see most modern built homes now with double-hung guillotine windows. Guillotine windows (double-hung) have become the top window styles that architects recommend when building, thus, replacing traditional windows. Aside from having impressive ventilation...
by enzo | Oct 2, 2017 | Uncategorised
Steel doors make ideal front and rear entry doors to your home or office. The immense solidity of these doors serves to enhance the security levels of the building. In addition, steel doors can withstand exposure to the elements. As such, they offer the best return on...
by enzo | Aug 7, 2017 | Uncategorised
As mentioned earlier, steel is both strong and hardy. As such, it can easily withstand considerable amounts of wear and tear. At the same time, it can withstand the full fury of the elements without sustaining much (if at all) damage. As a material, steel can look...
by enzo | Jul 24, 2017 | Uncategorised
Steel framed windows have been around for ages. Many people probably thought that these windows were ideal for older buildings. But, this is not the case. Builders across the country will attest to the fact that steel framed doors and windows are gradually staging a...
by enzo | Jun 19, 2017 | Uncategorised
Custom-Made Doors Help Improve Your Home’s Market Value In the event that you do want to sell your home, you will want to make sure that it fetches a relatively high price in the market. There are many things that can affect the overall price that you can get for your...