Of all the metals that abound in the world, steel is perhaps the most versatile. You can use steel for meeting a diverse range of requirements in your daily life. On any given day, you will easily be able to spot steel in a number of objects that you pass by. For instance, a vast majority of the vehicles you see will typically comprise steel. Similarly, if you glance at many residential and commercial properties around you, the use of steel will be quite apparent. The horizontal bi-fold doors that you see in many houses will contain steel more often than not. In many cases, you might be able to identify steel in various everyday objects. But, in some cases, you might even tread on it without knowing that you’re treading on steel.

For the uninitiated, steel is an alloy of iron and various other elements (such as carbon). In many cases, carbon will comprise only about two percent of the weight in a typical steel alloy. In terms of cost, it is one of the metals that comes at low and cost effective rates. In addition, it has a high tensile strength. This makes it ideal for use in construction and a number of other applications. Suppliers of quality steel tend to vary the amount of the alloying elements. On occasions, they will vary the presence of these elements in the steel as solute elements or as precipitated phases. Doing so enables them to control the qualities of the resulting steel alloy such as its hardness, ductility and tensile strength.

In recent times, steel has become one of the most common materials in the world. Estimates suggest that manufacturers across the world produce about 1.3 billion tonnes of steel each year. A vast portion of this comes into use in the construction sector. Industrially, steel is invaluable for making tools, ships, automobiles, machines, appliances and weapons. In addition, many people use this material for making their doors and windows, furniture etc. The high-quality of steel-based furniture and other items enhances its durability. As a result, you won’t need to think about purchasing other items of furniture as replacements for several years. And, when it comes to enhancing the visual appeal of your home interiors, these items will be second to none.